"Are you overpaying for your pension or PRSA? Discover why 1.75% fees are outdated, how to review your plan, and save on unnecessary costs. Take control of your savings today!"

Is Your Pension or PRSA Overcharging You?

Is Your Pension or PRSA Overcharging You?

I recently reviewed a client’s pension plan and was shocked to see a 1.75% fee—that’s far too high in today’s market. PRSA pricing has improved significantly over the years, and there’s absolutely no excuse for fees like this anymore.

As a broker, we can provide valuable advice and still earn a living while offering clients much better rates. A fee like 1.75%? Especially when the client hasn’t heard from their broker in years? That’s unacceptable.

If you have an existing pension or investment plan, it’s well worth taking the time to review it. You might be paying unnecessary fees without realizing it.

Don’t let outdated plans eat into your hard-earned savings. Review your pension today—you could save a lot in the long run.